There has been tremendous change in the South West borough of Montreal over the past twelve years! Especially in the Griffintown district! A great contribution to this new Rennessance of this district was the Montreal Art Center that was first established in Griffintown in 2010.
Located in the orginial 19th Century historic patromonial building of the Caledonian Iron Works Company, this not-for-profit art center has served as the home to 200 local visual and performing artists for over the past 12 years.
Public can now access works of art
On Wednesday, July, 20, 2022, the Montreal Art Center officially became a Museum! “It’s taken over 12 years for us to achieve our plan and goal to bring Montreal another great new Art Museum attraction! We are very proud of our achievement.” said Montreal Art Center Founder, Allan Diamond.
There are three Art Galleries that show the works of the center’s 50 member artists that work in a selection of open and private studio spaces open to the public to visit 6 days a week.
Visitors to the Museum will discover a group of extraordinary wax figure statues of important historical Québec Founders, donated by the Grevin Wax Museum of Paris.
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